PhD MSc LandsCons MCIHort
CV for Audrey I Timm
I am enthusiastic and energetic, and approach my work and my life with a cheerful, positive attitude. I am happy to take the lead where appropriate, and work well in a team of complementary individuals. I enjoy a challenge and focus well on absorbing tasks. My years as a private consultant has required me to be proactive in seeking contracts, and self-motivated to engage in projects and deliver outcomes to meet external deadlines. A matrix of academic education and professional industry experience has provided me with a wide range of skills, which connect through a passion for plants and a quest for knowledge.
Change is an essential part of the modern professional environment, and interdisciplinary experience is valuable. As my career has progressed across three continents, and opportunities have changed, I have enthusiastically moved into new and allied directions. Through these moves and changes I have maintained and extended a global network of academic, professional and industry contacts that facilitate successful engagement in new initiatives.
Qualifications: PhD (Horticultural Science); MSc (Conservation of Historic Gardens and Cultural Landscapes).
Work Experience
February 2019 to current - Technical Advisor to the International Association of Horticultural Producers, AIPH.
November 2014 – current: Heritage and Design consultancy, freelance writing, and volunteer work
February 2016 – January 2019: Research Associate, Department of Landscape, University of Sheffield, UK.
February 2015 – January 2016: Research Fellow, Department of Landscape, University of Sheffield, UK.
October 2013-November 2013: Assistant Conservation Officer, Garden History Society
September 2005- 2014: Floricultural Adviser, Qbloom Pty Ltd, Australia
February 2001–April 2005: New and Innovative Industry Development Officer, DPI Victoria, Australia
1985-1990 Research roles in medicine and agriculture, Cape Town, South Africa.
Other information
Some of my work has been published as Audrey Gerber.
Full, clean driving licence, DBS certificate.
My work has taken me to many countries, engaging with professionals in China, Japan, Chile, Europe, New Zealand and California, as well as the countries in which I have lived (Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, England).
Positions held on local, regional and international committees and boards has developed my ability to organise activities within corporate structures, and to communicate internationally at this level.
Working as an independent consultant has required me to run a home office for many years. I operate my own IT systems and manage my own budgets.
Other interests include training my German Shepherd dog, vegetable gardening, tennis, cooking and nutrition, and mountain biking.
MSc in Conservation of Historic Gardens and Cultural Landscapes (with Distinction). Dissertation title: Storm in a Teacup: The Impact of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on the Design Intention of Historic Gardens.
PhD in Horticulture
Dissertation title: Flower initiation and development in selected cultivars of the genus Protea
MSc (Agric.)
Additional undergraduate courses were studied to upgrade to a BSc. (Agric)
BSc (Hons.) Microbiology
BSc majoring in Microbiology
Matric exemption granted 1980 on AEB ‘M’ level results. AEB ‘A’ levels; 1981
Professional Development
BBC Academy Expert Women 2017 candidate.
Institute of Leadership and Management: The Researcher as Manager, 2017
TV Presenter Training Course, TV Training Academy, UK, 2015.
Online Design Courses: Planting Design with Perennials (Noel Kingsbury); Designing with Grasses (Michael King). My Garden School, UK. 2015.
Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture, 2008.
Australian Institute of Company Directors course, 2006.
Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training, 2004.
Farm Chemical Users Course, 2003.
Basic First Aid: Workplace Level 2, 2002. Basic Wildfire Awareness, 2002.
Water for Growth Irrigation Management course, 2002.
Defensive Driving Course, 2001. NRE Professional Liability Course, 2001.
Institute for Horticultural Development Science award, 2002. Joint award with Michael Morgan.
Southern African Society for Horticultural Science (SASHS) award for the best scientific paper published by a member in any horticultural journal during, 2001.
Professional Activities and Roles
Member, UK Parks and Gardens Expert Review panel
Member, Planning sub-committee, Avon Garden Trust
President, International Protea Association (IPA), 2009 - current
Vice – Chair, International Protea Working Group (IPWG), 2006 – 2015
Member, The Gardens Trust
Member, Research Advisory Panel, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, 2010-2012
Member, International Society for Horticultural Science
Member, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 2010-2012
Member, Women on Boards, Australia, 2010 - 2012
Chair, WildFlowers Australia Pty Ltd Board, 2010-2011
Editor, Acta Horticulturae IPA symposium proceedings 2008, 2010, 2015
Secretary, Protea and Wildflower Growers Association, Victoria 2006 - 2008
Convener of 7th IPWG, ISHS symposium in Melbourne 2004.
Gerber, A. I. 2015. Canopy Management Strategies for wildflower crops – a Practical Manual. RIRDC Publication No 15-058. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia.
Gerber, A. I. 2015. Leaf analysis as a strategy for effective nutrition management in Proteaceae. Acta Horticulturae. In Press.
Gerber, A. I. 2014. Past progress and future potential for research of Australian Natives and Proteaceae. Acta Horticulturae. In Press.
Gerber, A. I., and A. J. Krajewski. 2013. Farm Productivity and Quality Enhancement Programme. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia. 47pp. Internal publication.
Gerber, A. I. 2012. Reviews of systems for protecting new varieties, and models for extracting value. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia. 50pp. In Press.
Gerber, A.I. 2010. Improved Export Market Access for Australian Wildflowers through Integrated Pest Management. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia. 29pp. ISBN: 1-74151-948-9.
Gerber A. I. and Chaffey, S. 2006. Japanese Green Tea: An Australian Grower’s Manual. Published by Australian Alpine Valley Agribusiness Forum, Wangaratta.
Gerber, A.I. 2004. Japanese Green Tea. In The New Crop Industries Handbook. RIRDC Publication No. 04/125. Union Offset Printing , Canberra. pp289-294.
Gerber, A.I. 2004. Proteaceae. In: Floriculture: principles and species, 2nd edition. J.M. Dole and H.F. Wilkins. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey. pp772-791.
Cramer, M. D., A. I. Gerber and G. Jacobs. 2004. Causes of leaf-tip scorch in the cultivated Protea hybrid ‘Sylvia’. Scientia Horticulturae 103:65–77
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 2001. Synchrony of inflorescence initiation and shoot growth in selected Protea cultivars. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 126(2):182-187.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 2001. Manipulation of flowering time by pruning of Protea cv. Sylvia (P. eximia ´ P. susannae). HortScience. 36(5):909-912.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 2000. Mature overwintering leaves are essential for inflorescence initiation and development in Protea cvs. Carnival and Lady Di. Acta Hort.545:227-237.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 2002. Defoliation alters spring growth flush characteristics and inhibits flowering in Protea cv. Carnival. Scientia Hort. 94:345-350
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 2001 The role of leaves and carbohydrates in flowering of Protea cv. Lady Di. HortScience. 36(5):905-908.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 1995. Pruning of Protea cv. Carnival to optimise economic biomass production. Acta Hort. 387:99-106.
Hettasch, H.B., A.I. Gerber, K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 2001. Dry mass accumulation and carbohydrate allocation in successive growth flushes of Protea. Acta Hort 545:215-225
Hettasch, H.B., A.I. Gerber, K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 1997. Pruning Protea cv. Carnival for biennial crops of improved yield and quality. Acta Hort. 453:127-133.
Poole, C.J., A.I. Gerber and G. Jacobs. 2002. Time and sequence of inflorescence initiation and development of Brunia albiflora (Pillans). HortScience. 37(3):578-580
Conference Presentations
Gerber, A. I. 2015. Developing a Canopy Management Manual. XI ISHS IPWG Symposium, Perth, Australia
Gerber, A. I. 2014. Past progress and future potential for research of Australian Natives and Proteaceae. Keynote address: ISHS International Horticultural Congress, Brisbane.
Gerber, A.I. 2012. Sustainable agriculture: principles and practical application in commercial protea production. X ISHS IPWG Symposium, Santiago, Chile.
Gerber, A.I. 2009. Invited speaker at RIRDC New Industries Forum, Canberra. “Contributions of Research to the evolution of the Wildflower Industry”.
Gerber, A.I. 2006. Contributions of research to the evolution of the protea industry. Keynote address: VIII ISHS IPWG Symposium. San Diego, USA.
Gerber, A.I. 2001. Productivity and Profitability – buzzwords on the bottom line. Australian Flora and Protea
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 2000. Mature overwintering leaves are essential for inflorescence initiation and development in Protea cvs. Carnival and Lady Di. VI ISHS IPWG Symposium. Tenerife, Spain.
Gerber, A.I. and H.B. Hettasch. 2000. Pruning to optimise commercial production of Protea. 10th IPA Conference. Tenerife, Spain.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 1999. Effect of severity and time of defoliation on shoot growth and flowering of Protea cv. Carnival. 9th SASHS Congress. Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Gerber, A.I. 1998. Pruning of proteas - extrapolation from scientific facts to field use. 9th IPA Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
Hettasch, H.B., A.I. Gerber and G. Jacobs. 1998. Developing vegetative complexity in young Protea cv. Sylvia plants. 9th IPA Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
Gerber, A.I. and G. Jacobs. 1997. Post harvest water relations in flower stems of Protea magnifica. 7th Congress SASHS. Nelspruit, South Africa.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 1997. Synchrony of shoot flushing and meristem activity of selected Protea cultivars. 7th Congress SASHS. Nelspruit, South Africa.
Hettasch, H.B., A.I. Gerber and G. Jacobs. 1997. Developing vegetative complexity in young protea plants. 7th Congress SASHS. Nelspruit, South Africa.
Hettasch, H.B., A.I. Gerber, K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 1995. Pruning Protea cv. Carnival for biennial crops of improved yield and quality. 8th IPA Conference. Israel.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 1996. Scheduling of flower harvest by pruning of Protea cv. Sylvia. 6th Congress SASHS. Pretoria, South Africa.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 1996. Manipulation of flowering by pruning of selected Protea cultivars. XXII Annual Conference, South African Association of Botanists. Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Gerber, A.I., K.I. Theron and G. Jacobs. 1993. Pruning of Protea cv. Carnival to optimise economic biomass production. 7th IPA Conference. Harare, Zimbabwe.
Other Presentations and Publications
Invited speaker at:
RIRDC New Industries Forum, Canberra. March 2009. “Contributions of Research to the evolution of the Wildflower Industry”
NSW Wildflower Conference (11th Annual Meeting of NSW Wildflower Growers), Campbelltown. February 2009. “Plant Nutrition: Principles and practices for yield and quality”.
Climate Change Workshop, Australian Wildflower Industry. June 2009. “Opportunities and challenges for the Wildflower Industry”
FAQI Native Flower Seminar, Gympie. June 2008. “Pruning for profit”
NSW Wildflower Conference (9th Annual Meeting of NSW Wildflower Growers), Port Macquarie. February, 2007.
Changzi Municipal Government, Shanxi Province, China. February 2006. “Introducing Protea Cultivation from Australia to Changzi”.
University of Talca and Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile. 2004. Two day course on Commercial Production of Proteas.
Green Tea Partnership Group, Manjimup, WA, Dec 2003. Green Tea research focus and potential for collaboration.
Central West Flower Industry Association, Orange, NSW, Aug 2002. Two day seminar on plant productivity focussing on pruning and nutrition.
NEFG Co-operative AGM, November 2001. Best Bet options for the North East.
AFPGA South Australia branch AGM, July 2001. International perspectives of commercial Wildflower production.
AFPGA Victorian branch field day, May 2001. Practical aspects of pruning.
Co-presenter of “Growing the Farm Business” series of 12 workshops to Wildflower growers in Victoria, April to June, 2001.
SAPPEX Producers Seminar: Optimising production for the European marketing window, June, 1999. Manipulation of flowering of Protea and Leucospermum.
Southern Cape Protea Growers Study Group, September, 1998. Practical aspects of flower manipulation in protea.
Southern Cape Protea Growers Study Group, August, 1996. Pruning of proteas - theory and practical demonstration.
Southern Cape Protea Growers Field Day, April, 1995. Title: “Progress in protea research”.
Informal and internal publications:
FloraCulture International Magazine. 2012 – 2015. 7 written articles and 5 editing commissions
“Commercial Use of Native Plants in Shelterbelts”. Slater, T. and A.I. Gerber. 2005. DPI internal document.
“Principles of Pruning”. Prepared for publication in Buds and Bracts (Wildflowers Australia newsletter). Also published by request in newsletters of New Zealand Protea Growers Association, ASGAP, Verticordia study group, and Grevillea study group. 2004
“Production parameters for commercial Green Tea production in Australia”. Reports 1 to 6 for HAL project OT02005. 2003
SAPPEX Research Pamphlet for Producers #11: Biennial cropping of proteas by judicious pruning.
SAPPEX Research Pamphlet for Producers #12: Schedule of harvest peak by pruning.
SAPPEX Research Pamphlet for Producers #29: Manipulation of flowering time of Leucospermum by disbudding.